Module Services_backend_sig.Make


module Backend : Backend


balance address returns the address's balance.

nonce address returns the address's nonce.

code address returns the address's code.

val inject_raw_transactions : timestamp:Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Time.Protocol.t -> smart_rollup_address:string -> transactions:string list -> Evm_node_lib_dev_encoding.Ethereum_types.hash list Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

inject_raw_transactions ~timestamp ~smart_rollup_address ~transactions crafts the hashes and chunks of each transaction of transactions. Injects the chunks and returns the hashes of injected transactions.

val current_block : full_transaction_object:bool -> Evm_node_lib_dev_encoding.Ethereum_types.block Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

current_block ~full_transaction_object returns the most recent processed and stored block.

If full_transaction_object is true, returns the transaction objects, the transactions hashes otherwise.

current_block_number () returns the most recent processed and stored block number.

nth_block_hash n returns the hash of the nth processed and stored block.

val nth_block : full_transaction_object:bool -> Z.t -> Evm_node_lib_dev_encoding.Ethereum_types.block Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

nth_block ~full_transaction_object n returns the nth processed and stored block.

If full_transaction_object is true, returns the transaction objects, the transactions hashes otherwise.

block_by_hash ~full_transaction_object hash returns the block with the given hash.

If full_transaction_object is true, returns the transaction objects, the transactions hashes otherwise.

transaction_receipt tx_hash returns the receipt of tx_hash.

transaction_object tx_hash returns the informations of tx_hash.

chain_id () returns chain id defined by the rollup.

base_fee_per_gas () returns base fee defined by the rollup.

val kernel_version : unit -> string Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

kernel_version () returns the internal kernel version (i.e the commit hash where the kernel was compiled).

val kernel_root_hash : unit -> string option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

kernel_root_hash () returns the internal kernel root hash (i.e the latest root hash that was applied during an upgrade).

simulate_call call_info asks the rollup to simulate a call, and returns the result.

estimate_gas call_info asks the rollup to simulate a call, and returns the gas used to execute the call.

is_tx_valid tx_raw checks if the transaction is valid. Checks if the nonce is correct and returns the associated public key of transaction.

storage_at address pos returns the value at index pos of the account address's storage.

val smart_rollup_address : string