This module implements bounded (or refined) versions of data types.
module type BOUNDS = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
Signature for an interval of (included values) with an encoding and projection functions towards the underlying ocaml datatype.
module Int64
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int64) :
S with type ocaml_type := int64
Allows to build interval of int64 integers. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int64 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Int32
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int32) :
S with type ocaml_type := int32
Allows to build interval of int32 integers. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int32 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Non_negative_int32 : S with type ocaml_type := int32
Allows to build interval of non negative int32 integers. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int32 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Int31
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int) :
S with type ocaml_type := int
Allows to build interval of built-in OCaml int integers. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int31 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Int16
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int) :
S with type ocaml_type := int
Allows to build interval of int integers representable on 2 bytes. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int16 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Uint16
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int) :
S with type ocaml_type := int
Allows to build interval of non-negative int integers representable on 2 bytes. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.uint16 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Int8
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int) :
S with type ocaml_type := int
Allows to build interval of non-negative int integers representable on 1 bytes. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.int8 regardless of the actual bounds.
module Uint8
(B : BOUNDS with type ocaml_type := int) :
S with type ocaml_type := int
Allows to build interval of non-negative int integers representable on 1 bytes. The encoding used is Data_encoding
.uint8 regardless of the actual bounds.