Module Mavryk_crypto_dal_mavkit_dal_config.Dal_config

node parameters for the DAL.

type parameters = {
  1. redundancy_factor : int;
  2. page_size : int;
  3. slot_size : int;
  4. number_of_shards : int;
val parameters_encoding : parameters Data_encoding.t
type t = {
  1. activated : bool;

    true if the DAL is activated. This may have an impact on the loading time of the node.

  2. use_mock_srs_for_testing : bool;

    If false, the srs is read from the srs files. This is the value expected for production. For testing purposes, we may want to compute the srs instead but this is not secure. In this case, the size of a slot, page, the erasure code redundancy factor and number of shards must be specified.

  3. bootstrap_peers : string list;

    List of bootstrap peers to use in the DAL p2p.

val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val default : t

The default configuration is {activated = false; use_mock_srs_for_testing = false}.