The tables are precomputed using this the following formulas:
let max_attestations = 256 let max_reward = 40
let r = 0.5 let a = 3. let b = 1.5
let ( -- ) i j = List.init (j - i + 1) (fun x -> x + i)
let baking_rewards = let reward p e = let r_aux = if p = 0 then r *. (float_of_int max_reward) else a in let r = r_aux /. (float_of_int max_attestations) in let r = 1_000_000. *. r in Float.to_int ((float_of_int e) *. (ceil r)) in
let ps = 0 -- 2 in let es = 0 -- max_attestations in (fun p -> (fun e -> reward p e ) es |> Array.of_list ) ps |> Array.of_list
let attesting_rewards = let reward p e = let r_aux = (1. -. r) *. (float_of_int max_reward) /. (float_of_int max_attestations) in let r = if p = 0 then r_aux else r_aux /. b in let r = 1_000_000. *. r in Float.to_int ((float_of_int e) *. (floor r)) in
let ps = 0 -- 2 in let es = 0 -- max_attestations in (fun p -> (fun e -> reward p e ) es |> Array.of_list ) ps |> Array.of_list