Module Mavryk_context_ops.Context_ops

module Environment_context = Mavryk_protocol_environment.Context
val err_implementation_mismatch : expected:string -> got:string -> 'a
type index =
  1. | Disk_index of Mavryk_context.Context.index
  2. | Memory_index of Mavryk_context_memory.Context.index

Values of type index are used to checkout contexts specified by their hash.

val mem_tree : Environment_context.t -> Mavryk_context.Context.key -> bool Lwt.t
val fold_value : ?depth:[ `Eq of int | `Le of int | `Lt of int | `Ge of int | `Gt of int ] -> Environment_context.t -> Mavryk_context.Context.key -> order:[ `Sorted | `Undefined ] -> init:'a -> f: (Mavryk_context.Context.key -> (unit -> Mavryk_context_disk.Context.value option Lwt.t) -> 'b -> 'c Lwt.t) -> 'c Lwt.t
val wait_gc_completion : index -> unit Lwt.t
val is_gc_allowed : index -> bool
val split : index -> unit Lwt.t
val sync : index -> unit Lwt.t
val merkle_tree : Environment_context.t -> Mavryk_context_sigs__Context.Proof_types.merkle_leaf_kind -> Mavryk_context.Context.key -> Mavryk_context_sigs__Context.Proof_types.merkle_node Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.String.Map.t Lwt.t
val merkle_tree_v2 : Environment_context.t -> Mavryk_context_sigs__Context.Proof_types.merkle_leaf_kind -> Mavryk_context.Context.key -> Mavryk_context.Context.Proof.tree Mavryk_context.Context.Proof.t Lwt.t
val exists : index -> Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Context_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val close : index -> unit Lwt.t