module Proof = Mavryk_context_sigs.Context.Proof_types
type input = {
printer : Mavryk_client_base.Client_context.printer;
min_agreement : float;
The same value as Light.sources.min_agreement
chain : Mavryk_shell_services.Block_services.chain;
The chain considered
*)block : Mavryk_shell_services.Block_services.block;
The block considered
*)key : string list;
The key of the context for which data is being requested
*)mproof : Proof.tree Proof.t;
The Merkle proof received from the endpoint providing data. It is much smaller than the whole context.
A container of input data needed to process a consensus.
min_agreeing_endpoints min_agreement nb_endpoints
returns the minimum number of endpoints that must agree for Make.consensus
to return true
. The first parameter should be Light.sources.min_agreement
while the second parameter should be the length of Light.sources.endpoints
module Make (Light_proto : Light_proto.PROTO_RPCS) : sig ... end
Given RPCs specific to the light mode, obtain the consensus algorithm