Persistent block store with linear history
The cemented block store is a store where blocks are stored linearly (by level) in chunks. Blocks in this store should not be reorganized anymore and are thus *cemented*. As these blocks should not be accessed regularly and especially their optionally stored metadata, the later are compressed using a zip format to save disk space. For each chunk of blocks, a dedicated file is used. Moreover, to enable easy access and to prevent too much on-disk reading, two indexed maps are used to retrieve blocks hash from their level and their level from the block hash.
The cemented block store contains a set of files updated each time a new chunk is added to the store. These files indicate which interval of blocks (w.r.t. their levels) are stored in it.
This store is expected to respect the following invariants:
i ; j
(with i <= j) contains | j - i + 1 | blocks and are ordered from i to j in the file.∀f_x=(i,j) ∈ F ∧ x < |F|, ∃f_y =(i', j'), x = y - 1 ∧ j + 1 = j'
meaning the concatenation of every chunk must be continuous.
The cemented block store is composed of the following files:
| <n> × <offset> | <n> × <block> |
where n is (j - i + 1), <offset> is a 8 bytes integer representing the absolute offset of a block where the k-th (with 0 <= k < n) offset stands for the absolute offset of the k-th block in the file and with <block>, a Block_repr
.t value encoded using Block_repr
.encoding (thus prefixed by the its size).
module Cemented_block_level_index :
with type key = Mavryk_store_shared.Block_key.t
and type value = Mavryk_store_shared.Block_level.t
On-disk index of block's hash to level.
module Cemented_block_hash_index :
with type key = Mavryk_store_shared.Block_level.t
and type value = Mavryk_store_shared.Block_key.t
On-disk index of block's level to hash.
type cemented_metadata_file = {
start_level : int32;
end_level : int32;
metadata_file : [ `Cemented_blocks_metadata ] Mavryk_store_shared.Naming.file;
type cemented_blocks_file = {
start_level : int32;
end_level : int32;
file : [ `Cemented_blocks_file ] Mavryk_store_shared.Naming.file;
The type for cemented block chunks file description
val init :
?log_size:int ->
[< `Chain_dir ] ->
readonly:bool ->
t Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
init ?log_size ~cemented_blocks_dir ~readonly
creates or loads an existing cemented block store at path cemented_blocks_dir
. cemented_blocks_dir
will be created if it does not exists. If readonly
is true, cementing blocks will result in an error. log_size
determines the index cache size.
val close : t -> unit
close cemented_store
closes the cemented_store
opened files: its indexes.
val cemented_blocks_files : t -> cemented_blocks_file array option
cemented_blocks_files cemented_store
returns the current array of cemented blocks chunks files. The returned array is sorted in ascending order such that the first element of the array is the lowest known cycle of the store.
val cemented_metadata_files :
t ->
cemented_metadata_file array option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
cemented_metadata_files cemented_store
returns the current array of cemented metadata files. The returned array is sorted in ascending order such that the first element of the array is the lowest known cycle of the store.
val cemented_block_level_index : t -> Cemented_block_level_index.t
cemented_block_level_index block_store
returns the hash to level index.
val cemented_block_hash_index : t -> Cemented_block_hash_index.t
cemented_block_hash_index block_store
returns the level to hash index.
val load_table :
[ `Cemented_blocks_dir ] ->
cemented_blocks_file array option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
load_table ~cemented_blocks_dir
reads the cemented_blocks_dir
directory and instantiate the cemented blocks chunks files.
val load_metadata_table :
[ `Cemented_blocks_dir ] ->
cemented_metadata_file array option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
load_metadata_table ~cemented_blocks_dir
similar to load_table
, but for the cemented metadata files.
val find_block_file : t -> int32 -> cemented_blocks_file option
find_block_file cemented_store block_level
lookups the cemented_store
to find the cemented block chunk file that contains the block at level block_level
. Returns None
if the block cannot be found.
val is_cemented : t -> Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t -> bool
is_cemented cemented_store block_hash
checks if the block_hash
is stored in the cemented_store
val get_cemented_block_level :
t ->
Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t ->
int32 option
get_cemented_block_level cemented_store block_hash
returns the level of the block_hash
if present in cemented_store
. Returns None
val get_cemented_block_hash :
t ->
int32 ->
Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t option
get_cemented_block_hash cemented_store block_level
returns the hash of the block at block_level
if present in cemented_store
. Returns None
val read_block_metadata :
t ->
int32 ->
Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.metadata option
read_block_metadata cemented_store block_level
returns the metadata of the block at block_level
if present in cemented_store
. Returns None
val cement_blocks_metadata :
t ->
Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.t list ->
unit Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
cement_blocks_metadata cemented_store chunk
compresses and stores the metadata of blocks present in chunk
. If no block of the given chunk
contains metadata, nothing is done. Otherwise, for every block containing metadata, an entry is written in the dedicated .zip metadata file.
We assume that the blocks containing metadata are contiguous and if at least one block has metadata, then the blocks from that block with metadata to the last block of chunk
must have metadata. However, we do not check the validity of this assumption.
val get_lowest_cemented_level : t -> int32 option
get_lowest_cemented_level cemented_store
returns the lowest cemented block in cemented_store
, if it exists.
val get_highest_cemented_level : t -> int32 option
get_highest_cemented_level cemented_store
returns the highest cemented block in cemented_store
if it exists.
val get_cemented_block_by_level :
t ->
read_metadata:bool ->
int32 ->
Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.block option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult
get_cemented_block_by_level cemented_store ~read_metadata level
reads the cemented block at level
in cemented_store
, if it exists. It also tries to retrieves the metadata depending on read_metadata
but do not fail if no metadata is available.
val get_cemented_block_by_hash :
read_metadata:bool ->
t ->
Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t ->
Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.block option Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult
get_cemented_block_by_hash cemented_store hash
reads the cemented block of hash
in cemented_store
, if it exists. It also retrieves the metadata depending on read_metadata
type chunk_iterator = {
chunk_length : int;
reading_sequence : (Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t * int * bytes)
The type used to describe reading sequences used to perform buffered block cementing.
val make_chunk_iterator :
Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.block list ->
make_chunk_iterator bl
is an utility function that transforms a Block_repr.block list
into a chunk_iterator
val cement_blocks :
?check_consistency:bool ->
t ->
write_metadata:bool ->
chunk_iterator ->
unit Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
cement_blocks ?check_consistency cemented_store ~write_metadata
iterates from the lazy-bufferized chunk_iterator
to cement blocks and to write their metadata if the flag write_metadata
is set. check_consistency
(default is true) ensures that the cycles are contiguous.
val trigger_gc : t -> Mavryk_shell_services.History_mode.t -> unit Lwt.t
trigger_gc cemented_store history_mode
garbage collects metadata chunks and/or chunks from the cemented_store
depending on the History_mode
mode, nothing is done;Full offset
mode, only offset
chunks of metadata are kept;Rolling offset
mode, only offset
chunks of metadata and chunks are kept.Important: when purging chunks of blocks, it is necessary to rewrite the index to remove garbage collected blocks. Therefore, the higher the offset is, the longest the GC phase will last.
val iter_cemented_file :
(Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.block -> unit Lwt.t) ->
cemented_blocks_file ->
unit Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
iter_cemented_file ~cemented_block_dir f block_file
reads from the cemented block_file
located in cemented_block_dir
and applies f
on every block.
Warning: in this version, exceptions are caught. Use raw_iter_cemented_file
for manual exception management.
val raw_iter_cemented_file :
(Mavryk_store_shared.Block_repr.block -> unit Lwt.t) ->
cemented_blocks_file ->
unit Lwt.t
Unsafe version of iter_cemented_file
where internal exceptions/errors are not caught.
val check_indexes_consistency :
?post_step:(unit -> unit Lwt.t) ->
?genesis_hash:Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t ->
t ->
unit Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
check_indexes_consistency ?post_step ?genesis_hash cemented_store
iterates over a partially initialized cemented_store
that contains both chunks of blocks and indexes then check the consistency of each block: (hashes, predecessors and levels). The hash is not checked for genesis_hash
and post_step
is called after each treated chunk. This is used for snapshot imports.
get_and_upgrade_offsets fd nb_blocks
obtains the list of nb_blocks
offsets from the beginning of the file given by file descriptor fd
and upgrades their sizes from 32-bits to 64-bits, adjusting their values for the following blocks in the cemented blocks file.
val v_3_2_upgrade :
[ `Chain_dir ] ->
unit Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t