Module Mavkit_smart_rollup_node.Node_context_loader

val init : Mavryk_client_base.Client_context.full -> data_dir:string -> irmin_cache_size:int -> index_buffer_size:int -> ?log_kernel_debug_file:string -> ?last_whitelist_update:(Z.t * Stdlib.Int32.t) -> 'a Mavryk_layer2_store.Store_sigs.mode -> Layer1.t -> Node_context.genesis_info -> lcc:Node_context.lcc -> lpc:Mavkit_smart_rollup.Commitment.t option -> Mavkit_smart_rollup.Kind.t -> Node_context.current_protocol -> Configuration.t -> 'a Node_context.t Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

init cctxt ~data_dir mode l1_ctxt genesis_info protocol configuration initializes the rollup representation. The rollup origination level and kind are fetched via an RPC call to the layer1 node that cctxt uses for RPC requests.

Closes the store, context and Layer 1 monitor.

module For_snapshots : sig ... end