Module Mavkit_smart_rollup_wasm_debugger_lib.Custom_section

This files implements the parsing of custom subsection, especially the `name` custom section (see

The `name` section has the following format: h len vec_len:n (index name_len name)^n where

val vuN : int -> string -> int -> int64 * int
val vu32 : string -> int -> int32 * int
val parse_subsection_header : string -> int -> (char * int32 * int) option

parse_subsection_header bytes index reads the tag for the subsection and its length, and returns the next index to continue reading. Returns `None` if there are not at least 2 bytes to read.

val u32_to_int : int32 -> int
val get_function_name_section_indexes : string -> (int * int32) option

get_function_name_section_indexes bytes returns the starting index of the `functions` subsection and its length.

val parse_nameassoc : Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.String.t -> int -> (int32 * string) * int

parse_nameassoc bytes index parses a `(index, name)` encoded value and returns the index to continue the reading.

module FuncMap : sig ... end
val parse_vec : string -> int -> (string -> int -> 'a * int) -> 'b Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Seq.t

parse_vec bytes start parse_value parses an encoded vector and its values with parse_value.

val parse_function_subsection : Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.String.t -> string FuncMap.t

parse_function_subsection bytes parse and returns the `functions` subsection, as described by the reference documentation.

val pp_function_subsection : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string FuncMap.t -> unit

pp_function_subsection ppf map pretty-prints the parsed functions subsection.

val parse_custom_sections : string -> string -> string FuncMap.t Lwt.t