Module Mavryk_benchmark_alpha.Michelson_samplers

Sampling various Michelson values.

exception SamplingError of string

This module exposes a functor implementing various samplers for Michelson. These allow to sample:

Note that some kind of values might not be supported. At the time of writing, the value sampler doesn't handle the following types:

For the latter, consider using the samplers in Michelson_mcmc_samplers.

type parameters = {
  1. base_parameters : Michelson_samplers_base.parameters;
  2. list_size : Mavryk_benchmark.Base_samplers.range;

    The range of the size, measured in number of elements, in which lists must be sampled.

  3. set_size : Mavryk_benchmark.Base_samplers.range;

    The range of the size, measured in number of elements, in which sets must be sampled.

  4. map_size : Mavryk_benchmark.Base_samplers.range;

    The range of the size, measured in number of bindings, in which maps must be sampled.


Parameters for the Michelson samplers.

val parameters_encoding : parameters Data_encoding.t

Encoding for sampler prameters.

type type_name = [
  1. | `TUnit
  2. | `TInt
  3. | `TNat
  4. | `TSignature
  5. | `TString
  6. | `TBytes
  7. | `TMumav
  8. | `TKey_hash
  9. | `TKey
  10. | `TTimestamp
  11. | `TAddress
  12. | `TBool
  13. | `TPair
  14. | `TOr
  15. | `TLambda
  16. | `TOption
  17. | `TList
  18. | `TSet
  19. | `TMap
  20. | `TBig_map
  21. | `TContract
  22. | `TSapling_transaction
  23. | `TSapling_transaction_deprecated
  24. | `TSapling_state
  25. | `TOperation
  26. | `TChain_id
  27. | `TBls12_381_g1
  28. | `TBls12_381_g2
  29. | `TBls12_381_fr
  30. | `TTicket
module type S = sig ... end

The module type produced by the Make functor.

Instantiate a module of type S.

module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end