Dependency graph of benchmarks using dependencies/provides
val is_empty : t -> bool
type providers_map = Solver.Solved.t list Free_variable.Map.t
Which benchmarks provide each variable
val is_ambiguous : providers_map -> bool
val warn_ambiguities : providers_map -> unit
Print out the ambiguity information to stderr
val build : Solver.Solved.t list -> result
Build dependency graphs
val fold : (Solver.Solved.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
Dependency topological folding
val iter : (Solver.Solved.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
Dependency topological iteration
val to_sorted_list : t -> Solver.Solved.t list
Returns the topological ordered list of Solver.Sovled.t
val save_graphviz : t -> string -> unit
Visualize the graph using Graphviz