module Size = Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Gas_input_size
val equal_id :
Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.String.t ->
Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.String.t ->
type instruction_name =
| N_IDrop
| N_IDup
| N_ISwap
| N_IPush
| N_IUnit
| N_ICons_pair
| N_ICar
| N_ICdr
| N_IUnpair
| N_ICons_some
| N_ICons_none
| N_IIf_none
| N_IOpt_map_none
| N_IOpt_map_some
| N_ILeft
| N_IRight
| N_IIf_left
| N_ICons_list
| N_INil
| N_IIf_cons
| N_IList_map
| N_IList_iter
| N_IIter
| N_IList_size
| N_IEmpty_set
| N_ISet_iter
| N_ISet_mem
| N_ISet_update
| N_ISet_size
| N_IEmpty_map
| N_IMap_map
| N_IMap_iter
| N_IMap_mem
| N_IMap_get
| N_IMap_update
| N_IMap_get_and_update
| N_IMap_size
| N_IEmpty_big_map
| N_IBig_map_mem
| N_IBig_map_get
| N_IBig_map_update
| N_IBig_map_get_and_update
| N_IConcat_string
| N_IConcat_string_pair
| N_ISlice_string
| N_IString_size
| N_IConcat_bytes
| N_IConcat_bytes_pair
| N_ISlice_bytes
| N_IBytes_size
| N_IOr_bytes
| N_IAnd_bytes
| N_IXor_bytes
| N_INot_bytes
| N_ILsl_bytes
| N_ILsr_bytes
| N_IBytes_nat
| N_INat_bytes
| N_IBytes_int
| N_IInt_bytes
| N_IAdd_seconds_to_timestamp
| N_IAdd_timestamp_to_seconds
| N_ISub_timestamp_seconds
| N_IDiff_timestamps
| N_IAdd_tez
| N_ISub_tez
| N_ISub_tez_legacy
| N_IMul_teznat
| N_IMul_nattez
| N_IEdiv_teznat
| N_IEdiv_tez
| N_IOr
| N_IAnd
| N_IXor
| N_INot
| N_IIs_nat
| N_INeg
| N_IAbs_int
| N_IInt_nat
| N_IAdd_int
| N_IAdd_nat
| N_ISub_int
| N_IMul_int
| N_IMul_nat
| N_IEdiv_int
| N_IEdiv_nat
| N_ILsl_nat
| N_ILsr_nat
| N_IOr_nat
| N_IAnd_nat
| N_IAnd_int_nat
| N_IXor_nat
| N_INot_int
| N_IIf
| N_ILoop_in
| N_ILoop_out
| N_ILoop_left_in
| N_ILoop_left_out
| N_IDip
| N_IExec
| N_IApply
| N_ILambda_lam
| N_ILambda_lamrec
| N_IFailwith
| N_ICompare
| N_IEq
| N_INeq
| N_ILt
| N_IGt
| N_ILe
| N_IGe
| N_IAddress
| N_IContract
| N_ITransfer_tokens
| N_IImplicit_account
| N_ICreate_contract
| N_ISet_delegate
| N_INow
| N_IMin_block_time
| N_IBalance
| N_ILevel
| N_IView
| N_ICheck_signature_ed25519
| N_ICheck_signature_secp256k1
| N_ICheck_signature_p256
| N_ICheck_signature_bls
| N_IHash_key
| N_IPack
| N_IUnpack
| N_IBlake2b
| N_ISha256
| N_ISha512
| N_ISource
| N_ISender
| N_ISelf
| N_ISelf_address
| N_IAmount
| N_ISapling_empty_state
| N_ISapling_verify_update
| N_IDig
| N_IDug
| N_IDipN
| N_IDropN
| N_IChainId
| N_INever
| N_IVoting_power
| N_ITotal_voting_power
| N_IKeccak
| N_ISha3
| N_IAdd_bls12_381_g1
| N_IAdd_bls12_381_g2
| N_IAdd_bls12_381_fr
| N_IMul_bls12_381_g1
| N_IMul_bls12_381_g2
| N_IMul_bls12_381_fr
| N_INeg_bls12_381_g1
| N_INeg_bls12_381_g2
| N_INeg_bls12_381_fr
| N_IMul_bls12_381_fr_z
| N_IMul_bls12_381_z_fr
| N_IInt_bls12_381_z_fr
| N_IPairing_check_bls12_381
| N_IComb
| N_IUncomb
| N_IComb_get
| N_IComb_set
| N_IDupN
| N_ITicket
| N_IRead_ticket
| N_ISplit_ticket
| N_IJoin_tickets
| N_IHalt
| N_ILog
| N_IOpen_chest
| N_IEmit
val string_of_instruction_name : instruction_name -> string
val string_of_continuation_name : continuation_name -> string
val string_of_instr_or_cont : instr_or_cont_name -> string
type args = arg list
val nullary : args
val pp_arg : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> arg -> unit
val pp_args : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> arg list -> unit
type t = ir_sized_step list
val ir_sized_step : instruction_name -> args -> ir_sized_step
val cont_sized_step : continuation_name -> args -> ir_sized_step
val all_instructions : instruction_name list
val all_continuations : continuation_name list
val instruction_name_encoding :
instruction_name Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
val continuation_name_encoding :
continuation_name Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
val args_encoding : arg list Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
val instr_or_cont_name_encoding :
instr_or_cont_name Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
val ir_sized_step_encoding :
ir_sized_step Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
val encoding :
ir_sized_step list Mavryk_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
module Instructions : sig ... end
module Control : sig ... end
val extract_compare_sized_step :
'a. 'a Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty ->
'a ->
'a ->
val extract_ir_sized_step :
'bef_top 'bef 'res_top 'res. Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Alpha_context.t ->
('bef_top, 'bef, 'res_top, 'res)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.kinstr ->
('bef_top * 'bef) ->
val extract_control_trace :
('bef_top, 'bef, 'aft_top, 'aft)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.continuation ->
gets raised when a IFailwith
would be the next instruction. This allows us to recover the full execution trace, including the trace of the IFailwith
The actual benchmark will follow the same execution branch, but instead will raise an error
which will be ignored. Thus it is safe to end a benchmark with IFailwith
, but timings are expected to be different from ending with IHalt
. This means that, if we choose to include this behavior in any benchmark, IFailwith
must be benched.
val extract_deps :
Mavryk_raw_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Alpha_context.context ->
Mavryk_raw_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Script_typed_ir.step_constants ->
('bef_top, 'bef)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.stack_ty ->
('bef_top0, 'bef0, 'aft_top, 'aft)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.kinstr ->
('bef_top1 * 'bef1) ->
ir_sized_step list
val extract_deps_continuation :
Mavryk_raw_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Alpha_context.context ->
Mavryk_raw_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Script_typed_ir.step_constants ->
('bef_top, 'bef)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.stack_ty ->
('bef_top0, 'bef0, 'aft_top, 'aft)
Mavryk_protocol_001_PtAtLas.Protocol.Script_typed_ir.continuation ->
('bef_top1 * 'bef1) ->
ir_sized_step list
val sized_step_to_sparse_vec :
ir_sized_step ->
val trace_to_sparse_vec :
ir_sized_step list ->