val ns : Mavryk_benchmark.Namespace.cons
val fv : string -> Mavryk_benchmark.Free_variable.t
val trace_error :
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
val arity_error :
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
int ->
Interpreter_workload.arg list ->
val arity_to_int : 'a 'b 'c. ('a, 'b, 'c) Mavryk_benchmark.Model.arity -> int
val model_with_conv :
'a. Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
'a Mavryk_benchmark.Model.model ->
Interpreter_workload.ir_sized_step Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t
val division_cost :
string ->
(module Mavryk_benchmark.Model.Model_impl
with type arg_type = int * (int * unit))
val ediv_nat_alloc :
string ->
(module Mavryk_benchmark.Model.Model_impl
with type arg_type = int * (int * unit))
val get_mem_alloc_const_model :
string ->
(module Mavryk_benchmark.Model.Model_impl
with type arg_type = int * (int * unit))
val update_alloc_model :
string ->
(module Mavryk_benchmark.Model.Model_impl
with type arg_type = int * (int * unit))
val addlogadd :
string ->
(module Mavryk_benchmark.Model.Model_impl
with type arg_type = int * (int * unit))
val name_of_instr_or_cont : Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name -> string
module Models : sig ... end
type ir_model =
| TimeModel : 'a Mavryk_benchmark.Model.model -> ir_model
| TimeAllocModel : {
name : Mavryk_benchmark.Namespace.t;
time : 'a Mavryk_benchmark.Model.model;
alloc : 'a Mavryk_benchmark.Model.model;
} -> ir_model
val ir_model : Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name -> ir_model
val pack_time_model : ir_model -> Mavryk_benchmark.Model.packed_model
val pack_alloc_model : ir_model -> Mavryk_benchmark.Model.packed_model
val pack_time_alloc_model : ir_model -> Mavryk_benchmark.Model.packed_model
val amplification_loop_iteration : Mavryk_benchmark.Free_variable.t
val amplification_loop_model : int Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t
val interpreter_model :
?amplification:int ->
(ir_model -> Mavryk_benchmark.Model.packed_model) ->
ir_model ->
Interpreter_workload.ir_sized_step list Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t
val make_time_model :
?amplification:int ->
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
(string * Interpreter_workload.ir_sized_step list Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t)
val make_alloc_model :
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
(string * Interpreter_workload.ir_sized_step list Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t)
val make_model :
?amplification:int ->
benchmark_type ->
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->
(string * Interpreter_workload.ir_sized_step list Mavryk_benchmark.Model.t)
val make_time_alloc_codegen_model :
Interpreter_workload.instr_or_cont_name ->