This module introduces the remote procedure allowing to manage the lifecycle of a remote agent.
val agent_should_continue : Agent_state.t -> bool
type Remote_procedure.t +=
| Quit : (unit, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
can be used to terminate an agent gracefully.
| Start_http_server : start_http_server -> (start_http_server_r, 'uri)
spawns a HTTP server on the agent, which can later be used to fetch files from it.
Each agent can spawn at most one HTTP server.
*)| Tar : 'uri tar -> (unit, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
requests an agent to Create
or Extract
an archive.
When Extract
ing, the archive
can be on a remote agent. In such a case, the HTTP server of this agent will be used as a means to fetch the archive.