This module introduces the definition of a Octogram job, that is an interaction between the orchestrator and one agent.
Note that one job can result in several interactions, depending on how the with_item
field of the job header
is used.
type item = Global_variables.var
type items = item list
val expand_item :
vars:Global_variables.t ->
agent:Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue ->
re:Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue ->
item ->
Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue Stdlib.Seq.t
type header = {
name : string;
with_items : with_items option;
The job’ body will be executed once for every item listed in the with_items
field, where each execution has its {{ item }}
variable customized for the current value.
If with_item
is None
, then the job’s body is executed once, with {{ item }}
equal to null
mode : Execution_params.mode;
vars_updates : Global_variables.update list;
type 'uri body =
| Remote_procedure of {
procedure : 'uri Remote_procedure.packed;
Request the targeted agent to execute the procedure
| Copy of {
Copy destination
to the targeted agent, relatively to destination
val expand_body :
self:Agent_name.t ->
vars:Global_variables.t ->
agent:Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue ->
re:Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue ->
item:Jingoo.Jg_types.tvalue ->
string body ->
Uri.global_uri body
val encoding : 'uri Data_encoding.t -> 'uri t Data_encoding.t
Require to use the Register