Module Octogram.Mavryk

type start_mavkit_node_r = {
  1. name : string;
  2. rpc_port : int;
  3. metrics_port : int;
  4. net_port : int;
type dal_cryptobox_parameters = {
  1. number_of_shards : string;
  2. page_size : string;
  3. slot_size : string;
  4. redundancy_factor : string;
type 'uri start_mavkit_node = {
  1. name : string option;
  2. path_node : 'uri;
  3. network : string;
  4. snapshot : 'uri option;
  5. sync_threshold : int;
  6. peers : string list;
  7. net_port : string option;
  8. metrics_port : string option;
  9. rpc_port : string option;
  10. dal_cryptobox_parameters : dal_cryptobox_parameters option;
type 'uri activate_protocol = {
  1. endpoint : 'uri;

    Node endpoint

  2. path_client : 'uri;

    Where to find the client.

  3. protocol : Tezt_mavryk.Protocol.t;

    Which protocol to activate

  4. parameter_file : 'uri;

    The path to the protocol file that will be used.


This job bakes the activation block.

type 'uri client_base_args = {
  1. path_client : 'uri;
  2. endpoint : 'uri;
type 'uri wait_for_bootstrapped = 'uri client_base_args
type 'uri originate_smart_rollup = {
  1. client_base : 'uri client_base_args;
  2. wallet : string;
  3. alias : string;
  4. src : string;
  5. kernel_path : 'uri;
  6. parameters_type : string;
  7. wait : string;
type originate_smart_rollup_r = {
  1. address : string;
  2. hex_address : string;
type 'uri start_rollup_node = {
  1. name : string option;
  2. path_rollup_node : 'uri;
  3. path_client : 'uri;
  4. wallet : string;
  5. endpoint : 'uri;
  6. operator : string;
  7. mode : string;
  8. address : string;
  9. data_dir_path : string option;
  10. rpc_port : string option;
  11. metrics_port : string option;
  12. kernel_log_path : string option;
type start_rollup_node_r = {
  1. name : string;
  2. rpc_port : int;
  3. metrics_port : int;
type 'uri prepare_kernel_installer = {
  1. installer_generator_path : 'uri;
  2. kernel_path : 'uri;
  3. preimage_directory_path : string;
  4. installer_kernel_path : string;
  5. setup : string option;
type 'uri message =
  1. | Text : string -> 'uri message
  2. | Hex : string -> 'uri message
  3. | File : 'uri -> 'uri message
type 'uri smart_rollups_add_messages = {
  1. client_base : 'uri client_base_args;
  2. wallet : string;
  3. source : string;
  4. messages : 'uri message list;
  5. wait : string;
type Remote_procedure.t +=
  1. | Start_mavkit_node : 'uri start_mavkit_node -> (start_mavkit_node_r, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
  2. | Wait_for_bootstrapped : 'uri wait_for_bootstrapped -> (unit, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
  3. | Originate_smart_rollup : 'uri originate_smart_rollup -> (originate_smart_rollup_r, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
  4. | Start_rollup_node : 'uri start_rollup_node -> (start_rollup_node_r, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
  5. | Prepare_kernel_installer : 'uri prepare_kernel_installer -> (unit, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
  6. | Smart_rollups_add_messages : 'uri smart_rollups_add_messages -> (unit, 'uri) Remote_procedure.t
val register_procedures : unit -> unit