is experimental DAC API.
val get_preimage : string -> string RPC_core.t
get_preimage hash
requests the preimage of hash, consisting of a single page, from cctxt. When the request succeeds, the raw page will be returned as a sequence of bytes.
val make_put_dac_member_signature_request_body :
dac_member_pkh:string ->
root_hash:Hex.t ->
Mavryk_crypto.Aggregate_signature.signature ->
make_put_dac_member_sigature_request_body ~dac_member_pkh ~root_hash signature
creates a JSON body for "PUT v0/dac_member_signature".
val put_dac_member_signature :
hex_root_hash:Hex.t ->
dac_member_pkh:string ->
signature:Mavryk_crypto.Aggregate_signature.t ->
unit RPC_core.t
put_dac_member_signature hex_root_hash dac_member_pkh signature
stores the signature
generated from signing hex_root_hash
by dac_member_pkh
val get_missing_page : hex_root_hash:Hex.t -> string RPC_core.t
get_missing_page ~hex_root_hash
calls "GET v0/missing_page/page_hash
" endpoint.
val get_certificate :
hex_root_hash:Hex.t ->
(int * string * string * int) RPC_core.t
get_certificate ~hex_root_hash
fetches the DAC certificate for the provided hex_root_hash
val get_serialized_certificate : hex_root_hash:Hex.t -> string RPC_core.t
get_serialized_certificate ~hex_root_hash
fetches the DAC certificate for the provided hex_root_hash
with SDK kernel compatible root_hash
module Coordinator : sig ... end