type available_memories =
| No_memories_during_init
| Available_memories of Instance.memory_inst
Description of what memories are currently available.
type reveal_func =
available_memories ->
Values.value list ->
(reveal * reveal_destination, int32) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
type host_func =
| Host_func of Input_buffer.t ->
Output_buffer.t ->
Durable_storage.t ->
available_memories ->
Values.value list ->
(Durable_storage.t * Values.value list * ticks) Lwt.t
| Reveal_func of reveal_func
The type of a Host function implementation
An (immutable) host function registry builder that can be turned into a registry using construct
val empty_builder : builder
A registry builder without any host functions.
with_host_function ~global_name ~implem
adds the implementation of a named host function in the builder. Will erase a previous implementation for the given name.
val empty : unit -> registry
empty ()
creates a new empty registry
register ~func_name implem
registers the implementation of a named host function in the global symbol table. Will erase a previous implementation for the given name.
lookup ~func_name
looks for the implementation of a named host function in the global symbol table. May raise Not_found