decode_step get stream
reads a character (or more) from a stream stream
using get
and returns its Utf8 representation and the bytes read from the stream. Reads at most 4 bytes.
encode_int i
encodes an Utf8 represented into an integer into its char codes.
val decode : string -> int Mavryk_lazy_containers.Lazy_vector.Int32Vector.t
encode vec
decodes a string into its UTF8 vector representation.
val encode :
int Mavryk_lazy_containers.Lazy_vector.Int32Vector.t ->
string Lwt.t
encode vec
encodes an UTF8 vector into its string representation.
val encode_unsafe :
int Mavryk_lazy_containers.Lazy_vector.Int32Vector.t ->
encode_unsafe vec
encodes an UTF8 vector into its string representation without forcing the values in the lazy_vector. This function is witness of the internal mutation, and as such should only be used in the binary part of the interpreter, never in the PVM.