Token transfers and balance updates

This page describes the reporting of tokens transfers in block metadata, as a sequence of balance updates. They serve among others to the Mavkit client to derive and print the Balance updates sections of the receipts reported when operations are included in blocks.


Minting, transferring or burning tokens is handled by the Token module. The module provides functions (Token.transfer and Token.transfer_n) to transfer tokens from one, respectively from more accounts, to another account. Balance updates found in block metadata are generated by these functions as a trace of the token movements having taken place.

Balance updates indicate that either: tokens have been minted and deposited into an account, transferred from or to another account, or taken from an account and burned. In the Json format, a balance update consists of three parts:

  • an account identification indicated by a combination of fields such as: kind, category, contract, …

  • the amount transferred (in mumav) indicated by the field change. A positive amount indicates that the account has been credited, and a negative amount indicates that the account has been debited.

  • the cause of the update given by the field origin which may have the following values:

    • "block" means that the balance update originates from the application of a block

    • "migration" means that the balance update originates from migration

    • "subsidy" means that the balance update originates from subsidies for liquidity baking

    • "delayed_operation" means that the balance update originates from the delayed application of the operation whose hash is given in the additional field "delayed_operation_hash".

A transfer of tokens is represented by a continuous and ordered sequence of (balance) updates. That sequence starts with a series of debits, and ends with a credit matching those debits. In block metadata, the field "balance updates" contains one or more transfers, represented by their sequences of updates, concatenated in a flat list. Consider for example the following list:

[ {"kind": "...", ..., "change": "-100", "origin": "block"},
  {"kind": "...", ..., "change": "100", "origin": "block"},
  {"kind": "...", ..., "change": "-125", "origin": "block"},
  {"kind": "...", ..., "change": "-75", "origin": "block"},
  {"kind": "...", ..., "change": "200", "origin": "block"} ]

This list reports that two transfers have occurred: a transfer of 100 mumav from one account to another, and a transfer of 200 mumav from two accounts to a third. There is one exception to this though: migration balance updates are a bit compressed to save space, so the list of balance updates in the corresponding metadata does not necessarily allow to correlate debits to a credit by analyzing the sequence. However, for those balance updates, the delegate and contract fields can be used to establish correlations between debits and credits.

Source, container, and sink accounts

There are three kinds of accounts: source accounts, container accounts, and sink accounts. Tokens can be transferred from source or container accounts, to container or sink accounts. All balance updates contain the field kind which allows to determine the kind of account it refers to. The possible values of this field are described in the following sections (they are not simply "source", "container", and "sink"). Depending on the kind of account, more fields such as the category field may be used to identify accounts more specifically.

Source accounts

Source accounts are debited whenever new tokens are minted. A balance update refers to a source account if and only if the field kind has the value "minted". The value of the additional field category designates one of the following fictitious accounts, each containing a virtually unlimited number of tokens:

  • "nonce revelation rewards" is the source of tokens minted to reward delegates for revealing their nonces

  • "double signing evidence rewards" is the source of tokens minted to reward delegates for injecting a double signing evidence

  • "attesting rewards" is the source of tokens minted to reward delegates for attesting blocks

  • "baking rewards" is the source of tokens minted to reward delegates for creating blocks

  • "baking bonuses" is the source of tokens minted to reward delegates for validating blocks and including extra attestations

  • "subsidy" is the source of tokens minted to subsidize the liquidity baking CPMM contract

  • "invoice" is the source of tokens minted to compensate some users who have contributed to the betterment of the chain

  • "commitment" is the source of tokens minted to match commitments made by some users to supply funds for the chain

  • "Sc_rollup_refutation_rewards" is the source of tokens minted to reward an account for winning a smart-contract rollup refutation game

  • "bootstrap" is analogous to "commitment" but is for internal use or testing. It will not be used during normal operation on mainnet, but may be used on test networks or in sandboxed mode

  • "minted" is only for internal use and may be used to mint tokens for testing. It will not be used during normal operation on mainnet, but may appear on test networks or in sandboxed mode.

Container accounts

Container accounts are regular (user and smart contract) accounts, or convenience accounts that hold tokens temporarily (e.g. when parts of a delegate’s funds are frozen). The field kind allows to identify the type of container account, it can have one of the following values:

  • "contract" represents implicit or originated accounts, and comes with the additional field (also called) contract whose value is the public key hash of the implicit or originated account.

  • "freezer" represents frozen accounts, and comes with the additional field category that can have one of the following values:

    • "deposits" represents the accounts of frozen deposits. Accounts in this category are further identified by the additional field "staker" whose value is either

      • a "contract" field, that contains the public key hash of the staker owning the funds and a "delegate" (public key hash) which gets staking power from the deposit,

      • just a "delegate" to designate collectively the deposits of all stakers delegating to the provided implicit account.

      • a "baker_own_stake" field to designate the delegate’s own deposits received from its own stake rewards.

      • a "baker_edge" field to designate the delegate’s own deposits received from the edge on its staker’s rewards.

    • "unstaked_deposits" represents the accounts of unstaked frozen tokens. Accounts in this category are further identified by the following additional fields:

      • the field "staker" whose value is either

        • a "contract" field, that contains the public key hash of the staker owning the funds and a "delegate" (public key hash) which gets staking power from the deposit,

        • just a "delegate" to designate collectively the deposits of all stakers and the delegate itself.

      • the field "cycle" contains either the cycle at which the funds have been unstaked or the last unslashable cycle (MAX_SLASHING_PERIOD + CONSENSUS_RIGHTS_DELAY before current cycle) if it is greater than the unstaking cycle.

    • "bonds" represents the accounts of frozen bonds. Bonds are like deposits. However, they can be associated to implicit or originated accounts, unlike deposits that only apply to implicit accounts that are also delegates. Accounts in this category are further identified by the following additional fields:

      • the field contract contains the public key hash of the implicit account, or the contract hash of the originated account

      • the field bond_id contains the identifier of the bond (e.g. a rollup hash if the bond is associated to a transaction or a smart contract rollup).

  • "accumulator" represents accounts used to store tokens for some short period of time. This type of account is further identified by the additional field category whose (only possible) value "block fees" designates the container account used to collect manager operation fees while block’s operations are being applied. Other categories may be added in the future.

  • "commitment" represents the accounts of commitments awaiting activation. This type of account is further identified by the additional field committer whose value is the encrypted public key hash of the user who has committed to provide funds.

  • "staking" represents abstractions used for accounting staking by delegators, and comes with the additional field category that can have one of the following values:

    • "delegator numerator" abstracts the delegator’s stake, and comes with the additional field "delegator" whose value is the public key hash of the delegator.

    • "delegate denominator" abstracts the total stake of delegate’s delegators, and comes with the additional field "delegate" whose value is the public key hash of the delegate.

Sink accounts

Sink accounts are credited whenever tokens are burned. A balance update refers to a sink account if and only if the field kind has the value "burned". The value of the additional field category allows to identify more specifically a fictitious account able to receive a virtually unlimited number of tokens. The field category of a sink account may have one of the following values:

  • "storage fees" is the destination of storage fees burned for consuming storage space on the chain

  • "punishments" is the destination of tokens burned as punishment for a delegate that has double baked or double attested

  • "lost attesting rewards" is the destination of rewards that were not distributed to a delegate. This category comes with the following additional fields:

    • the field delegate contains the public key hash of the delegate

    • the field participation has the value "true" if participation was not sufficient and has the value "false" otherwise

    • the field revelation has the value "true" if the delegate has not revealed his nonce and has the value "false" otherwise.

  • "Sc_rollup_refutation_punishments" is the destination of tokens burned as punishment for submitting bad commitments that have been refuted

  • "burned" is only for internal use and testing. It will not appear on mainnet, but may appear on test networks or in sandboxed mode.

Token transfers and metadata

Balance updates in block metadata give a complete account of all token transfers that have occurred when a block is applied. A few cases of token transfers and the associated metadata are illustrated below. All other cases of token transfers in the protocol follow the same pattern. The only differences are the accounts involved.

Origination and transaction

When an origination or transaction operation is applied, tokens are transferred from one contract to another. Depending on whether or not storage space has been allocated on the chain by the application of the operation, storage fees may also be burned. For example, a transaction of 100 mumav from address tz1a... to address KT1b... that allocates storage space for a cost of 10 mumav produces the following list of balance updates:

[ {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1a...", "change": "-100", "origin": "block"},
 {"kind": "contract", "contract": "KT1b...", "change": "100", "origin": "block"}
 {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1a...", "change": "-10", "origin": "block"}
 {"kind": "burned", "category": "storage fees", "change": "10", "origin": "block"} ]

Baking fees, rewards and bonuses

When a contract pays the baking fees associated to an operation it has emitted, those fees are temporarily collected (during the processing of the block) into the container account "block fees". For example, when a manager operation is applied, the account of the payer contract is debited with the amount of fees and the "block fees" account is credited with the same amount. Hence, for 100 mumav in fees, the following balance updates are generated :

[ {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1x...", "change": "-100", ...},
  {"kind": "accumulator", "category": "block fees", "change": "100", ...} ]

When all operations of a block have been applied baking fees rewards and bonuses are distributed. The total amount of fees collected and the baking rewards are transferred from the container account "block fees" and the source account "baking rewards", respectively, to the contract of the payload producer that selected the transactions to be included in the block. So, for a total amount of 1000 mumav in fees collected and an amount of 500 mumav in baking rewards, assuming that the staking parameter of the delegate are such that 50 mumav are frozen – with 5 mumav being the delegates edge, 10 mumav being the delegates share, and 35 mumav going to the stakers – and 450 are spendable, the following balance updates are generated:

[ {"kind": "accumulator", "category": "block fees", "change": "-1000", ...},
  {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1a...", "change": "1000", ...}
  {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking rewards", "change": "-5", ...},
  {"kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits", "staker": { "baker_edge": "tz1a..."}, "change": "5", ...},
  {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking rewards", "change": "-10", ...},
  {"kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits", "staker": { "baker_own_stake": "tz1a..."}, "change": "10", ...},
  {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking rewards", "change": "-35", ...},
  {"kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits", "staker": { "delegate": "tz1a..."}, "change": "35", ...},
  {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking rewards", "change": "-450", ...},
  {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1a...", "change": "450", ...} ]

The baking bonus go to the block proposer that signed and injected the block. Hence the amount of the bonus is transferred from the source account "baking bonuses" to the contract of the block producer and/or to its frozen balance. For example, the balance updates generated for an amount of 100 mumav in baking bonus with 90% sent to spendable balance and 10% to bakers frozen deposit (case with no stakers and mainnet ratios) are:

[ {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking bonus", "change": "-90", ...},
  {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1b...", "change": "90", ...},
  {"kind": "minted", "category": "baking bonus", "change": "-10", ...},
  {"kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits", "staker": { "baker_own_stake": "tz1b..."}, "change": "10", ...}]

Attesting, double signing evidence, and nonce revelation rewards

Attesting rewards are reflected in balance updates as a transfer of tokens from the "attesting rewards" source account to the account of the delegate that receives the reward. Hence, for a reward of 100 mumav, the following two balance updates are generated:

[ {"kind": "minted", "category": "attesting rewards", "change": "-100", ...},
  {"kind": "contract", "contract": "tz1...", "change": "100", ...} ]

When attesting rewards are not distributed to the delegate due to insufficient participation or for not revealing nonces, they are transferred instead to the sink account identified by the quadruple ("lost attesting rewards", delegate, participation, revelation). For example, for an amount of 100 mumav in rewards not distributed due to insufficient participation, the following balance updates are generated:

[ {"kind": "minted", "category": "attesting rewards", "change": "-100", ...},
  {"kind": "burned",
   "category": "lost attesting rewards",
   "delegate": "tz1...",
   "participation": "true",
   "revelation": "false",
   "change": "100", ...} ]

Double signing evidence rewards and nonce revelation rewards are analogous to attesting rewards, except that the source accounts used are "double signing evidence rewards" and "nonce revelation rewards". Depending on the staking parameters set by the delegate, some portion of the attesting rewards will go to the freezer container, as for baking rewards and bonuses.